
Hand me the damn money!!!

Yes, I work retail. And yes I love some aspects of it. But I need to tell you all something. If you are buying something with cash. DO NOT PUT THE MONEY ON THE FUCKING COUNTER!!!! I hate that shit. I have a hand that you can but the money in. Hand it to me. I think it is the rudest thing in the world.
Why is is it so hard to put the money in my hand? I really really really don't get it.
Whats funny though is when I go and put the money on the counter, the same way you handed to me me. I get the meanest looks in the world. Like how dare I? WTF you just did it to me. I mean give me a break.
People need to learn to respect people who work in the retail industry. We are here to help serve the general public. Not get walked on and treated like shit.
I also hate when people think we should give away the whole store to them. I don't give a damn if you have shopped in this store for a 100 years. Why do you think you can abuse the system by returning something you have clearly worn and you just want your money back. I would never in my life ever dream of doing something like that. Unless there was clearly a problem with the merchandise.
Anyways, i am getting off my soapbox. But the next time you are in a retailer, please think of us. We are human to and we deserve to be treated with RESPECT!!!!!