
Movie Time

Just saw Madagascar with the kids and Emma's girlfriend Nicole. What a cute movie...I really didn't have too much time to blog today. I worked until 5:30, got Nicole, ate dinner and then we went to the movies.

It is a cute movie even if you don't have kids. i would highly recommend it to anyone. And I am sure there will be a Madagascar 3, because of the way it was left. No more details than that, I hate ruining the ending for people.

Okay now to do a One Minute Blog. You guys should see this lady's site. Pretty cool. She gives ideas on what to write about everyday. She says it should only take you one minute. So here we go......

What affect has a child, whether yours or someone else's, had on your life?

There is a young girl in my daughters class named Nicole. I have taken her under my wing this year. Her mother is a single parent and works full time as a waitress. Barely makes enough money to make ends meet, but has enough money to get loaded (not sure on what yet) on which seems like every night. She is the nicest lady I have ever met. But I am still not sure on how to approach the subject. i just want to make sure they are both ok. I care alot for them both. But Nicole is such a sweet kid. She makes me feel special because I know I make her feel special, And I know me being in her life will be a great impact on hers. I just hope and pray every night she has a save night and her mother is able to care for her in the proper way needed.

I need help people. Do I talk to the mother? Should I ask her does she think she is fooling me? She is either drunk, but I never smell booze, or she is on I would say heroin, coke or crack. What do I say without being an ass? Losing her trust? Not being able to have her daughter hang out anymore??? I am stuck in a rut. I just don't know what to do.

I let Emma stay the night last weekend and when we dropped Emma off, the mother was so loaded on something she couldn't even get out of her chair. We didn't want to make a scene so we still let Emma stay. But I let Emma know I would be calling to say goodnight. When we did call the mother never answered the phone. We called twice back to back. I made my husband go and get Emma and when he knocked on the door. Nicole just whipped it open without even asking who it was. Jesus he could have been anyone. But the mother was passed out naked in her room. And at 8pm the girls were just eating dinner. We left Nicole there because we didn't want her mother to wake up and freak out that he kid was taken. I was mad about even doing that. But my husband said it probably wasn't Nicole's first time with having to deal with this. such is life....

But tonight when I dropped Nicole off the mother was fine. Nothing...Just her normal self. So, maybe my husband getting Emma helped? Maybe it was a wake-up call. We will see. I hope it was.....


cheeky monkey said...

what a rough decision.

Personally, I would keep a close eye on the situation. I would not let my child stay there again and I would probably talk to the mom about having Nicole come and stay with me more.

uggh.....I am sorry you, your family, and mostly Nicole.

•º• BeeZee •º• said...


it is rough and i have been trying ot have nicole come over more but her mom has been really weird about it lately.

i have talked with the school also. so hopefully us getting emma in the middle of the night while she was passed out is a wake up call!!